Dr. Viktor V Kopynets DMD.

Dentist DMD

E-mail: viltor@alluredentaltamarac.com

He was born and raised in Ukraine; Graduated from Poltava School of Dentistry in 1993 with high honors. That year he began his successful career in dentistry, which he had for sixteen years until he moves to the United States. Then he received his dental degree (DMD) from Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, New Jersey in 2014.
Pellentesque velit quam, pellentesque at lobortis eget, tempus non augue. Donec vel augue finibus, efficitur lorem nec, tincidunt odio. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Proin non justo nec ligula rhoncus aliquam vulputate ultrices dolor. Ut lacus nulla, fermentum vel malesuada vitae, posuere eu neque. Vivamus in fermentum nisi. Vestibulum ut tincidunt velit. Praesent ut scelerisque mauris. Nam pharetra ipsum sit amet arcu euismod lobortis.

Get Your Smile Back In Just One Day!

He was born and raised in Ukraine; Graduated from Poltava School of Dentistry in 1993 with high honors. That year he began his successful career in dentistry, which he had for sixteen years until he moves to the United States. Then he received his dental degree (DMD) from Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, New Jersey in 2014.

This year(2018) he joined a thriving practice in which he is practicing now. Staying on the cutting edge of dentistry through continuing education courses

Married to Inna, and together they have two sons.  HE enjoys Alpine skiing and tennis and love traveling with the family in his spare time.

General Dentistry 67%
Cosmetic Dentistry 89%
Implant Dentistry 72%